September 10, 2008

Oh, For The Love of God...

CNN is advertising that they will have Chuck Norris on tonight to talk about politics.

Presumably tomorrow they'll have on Colin Powell to discuss professional bass-fishing, and Friday will feature James Carville to discuss how the new IPod will influence Apple's stock price (actually, Carville will talk endlessly about anything, so that might happen).

In all seriousness, unfortunately, they're promoting the Chuck Norris segment by saying that Norris has "a roundhouse kick to the head with the Democrat's name on it." It just gets worse and worse.

(Oh, and a couple of hours ago CNN "debunked" some "myths" about Palin. They noted that an internet myth was that Palin had wanted to teach creationism in Alaskan schools. They debunked the myth by showing that Palin didn't want to teach creationism, she wanted to teach evolution AND creationism! See, she's a balanced, not-crazy person! She wanted to teach both! That's reasonable! Who could object to that! I objected, loudly and out-loud, to this "debunking" and everyone in the office I was in looked at me strangely. I can't really go out in public much these days.)

Posted by baltar at September 10, 2008 05:51 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Crunchy Nutbars | General Stupidity | Politics


i've been so trainwreck-compelled by the palin nonsense, and the degree to which it actually seems to have made more unabashedly trivial a GOP ticket that was already incredibly long on tantrums and short on substance, that i'm starting to worry i'm going to get fired. or go batshit insane. the latter will probably happen first.

Posted by: moon at September 10, 2008 06:22 PM | PERMALINK

Errr, you are watching the celebrity news network expecting news? Unless it's entertainment news, or the latest on OJ's trial, I think you'll be waiting a long time. One of the million and one reasons I find it hilarious people on the Right talk about CNN balancing Fox is b/c CNN's interest in politics is much more trivial - in every sense of the word.

Posted by: Armand at September 10, 2008 07:58 PM | PERMALINK

Sure CNN is silly; I accept that. I was still surprised by just how silly it was. I mean the concentrated stupid in the hour or so I saw CNN was surprising (I haven't watched CNN in a long time; perhaps I'm just out of touch).

Still, many "elite" Americans (or those that think they are) likely get their news from CNN ("I watch CNN; I'm better than those that just tune in to the 6:30 news"). The fact that it's so bad caught me off guard.

Posted by: baltar at September 10, 2008 08:56 PM | PERMALINK

Of course if one were in the mood to defend CNN one could say that Norris is a very politically active celebrity. He did a lot of campaigning for Mike Huckabee. But yeah, given how craptastic they are, why defend them?

Posted by: Armand at September 10, 2008 10:40 PM | PERMALINK
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