September 17, 2008

Kmiec on Being Denied Communion Because He Supports Obama

At least he later received an apology - but a harrowing experience nonetheless.

Posted by armand at September 17, 2008 01:02 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Religion


And while the church appears largely to come down against denying communion for such political views, I still can't help but ask of any priest who would be so bold in defiance of such teachings: Would he deny communion, as well, to a supporter of the death penalty?

I don't deny Catholics the right to be as hateful and weird and exclusive as they want to be. I only ask that they be consistent. If the Pope is it, then the death penalty's out, end of story. See also: Unprovoked and feckless wars that kill mountains of civilians to no clear end.

Posted by: Moon at September 17, 2008 01:37 PM | PERMALINK

Ditto Moon. I'm also glad to read something by a Catholic that illustrates why other Catholics should be concerned with social justice issues rather than just the a-word.

Posted by: kikimonster at September 17, 2008 03:04 PM | PERMALINK
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