December 02, 2008


Last night I finally got around to seeing Steven Speilberg's Munich. And I've got to say I can't imagine it would have been a Best Picture nominee without the Speilberg factor. I mean it was a perfectly respectable piece of work. There were parts of it that were very well done. And I liked the scope of it. I think including the section with Bana after Europe was essential to the film and increased it's worth greatly. But egads was it overdone in parts. Some of the acting bordered on silly at times. And could the script have been any more predictable? Everything is spelled out to the n-th degree and some of the dialogue is nearly embarrassing. I don't want to be too harsh. It's not a bad piece of work at all. But it's not brilliant either.

Though I should say it's always fun to see Michael Lonsdale as a wise Frenchman with nefarious connections, and seeing both the lead and the villain of the latest Bond film in this was a pleasant surprise. If only they'd had a scene together.

Posted by armand at December 2, 2008 01:09 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies

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