January 03, 2009

Synechdoche, NY

It's very well made. I merits the accolades it's gotten. It's an impressive achievement. But, that said, it's difficult to like.

Though I will say that even though it may be hard to warm to, I thought the performances by Hoffman and Watson were superb and I find it very odd that two actors who are so widely admired haven't gotten more awards consideration for their top-notch work in a film of such high quality.

Posted by armand at January 3, 2009 12:35 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies


Hard to like? Could you elaborate on that?

As for awards, I agree -- that it hasn't, at a minimum, gotten screenplay consideration is, well, in my view patently absurd to the point of discrediting of the people running the awards that have announced nominations. Love the movie or hate it, there's more creativity in one page of that screenplay than in probably five of the last ten winners of original screenplay among any of the big awards.

In a funny aside, I noticed this week, as the Times critics announced their choices for nominees, that they didn't overnominate S, NY, either, although 2 of 3 gave it the screenplay nod, Dargis nominated it for best picture, and sundry other choices were in there, too.

What was funny, though, is Dargis, who I believe wrote the wildly glowing review in the Times, nominated, as four of her five supporting actress nominees, the entire female quartet from S, NY -- Leigh, Morton, Keener, and Williams. Of those four, I think probably only Williams and Morton had enough screen time, and probably only Morton and Keener showed the chops, so I guess that means I would have nominated Morton by herself, but Keener is borderline in terms of screentime. There's no question, in any event, that all four turned in excellent performances, and it might be that Williams' relatively understated role paled next to the more outsized performances of Keener and Morton, and that she in fact showed more nuance.

Anyway, I still want to understand what you mean about it being hard to like. :-)

Posted by: moon at January 5, 2009 10:59 AM | PERMALINK

The screenplay is great. Hoffman is great (yes, I like him a lot for the first time since ... Happiness?). Morton and Watson are outstanding and Williams is right there with them (and Wiest almost there too). There's lots of excellent craft going on when it comes to writing and acting.

That said - yeesh. This guy is so self-centered and tiresome and something like deluded ... and you are surprised I find it difficult to like? I get that that's the point and all, but if he's hard to like and it's all about his world ... you are surprised I don't like it a lot? I admire it, but that's different.

I love Hazel and the burning house. But the movie's not all about her.

Posted by: Armand at January 5, 2009 12:46 PM | PERMALINK
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