February 08, 2009

Random annoyances

Today is a lovely day. This morning I woke to the sounds of birds chirping and neighbor children laughing. For the last, oh, hourish? I have been hearing the neighbor blowing something with his gas blower. First of all, it's February, and nothing has fallen since the last time he spent the whole day blowing in the fall. Second, our yards are the size of most people's kitchens. What the fuck can a person be blowing all this time? Third, if it's just a case of missing the sensation of holding the nozzle, well, dude needs to get a life.

Girly annoyance after the jump. You've been warned.

And what the hell is it with the tampon roulette? Some time last year my old steady brand did a redesign to a "new and improved" model that worked half as well and a third as long as it used to. There was no upgrade available in that brand so I changed brands on the recommendation of a friend. So I switch to another brand, one that still believes in, shall we say, heavy duty performance. And I find out today, our local grocery store has apparently discontinued carrying them. They can carry 150,000 different kinds of pantyliners, but no jumbo tampons? What the hell!?

Posted by binky at February 8, 2009 01:43 PM | TrackBack | Posted to West Virginia

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