July 21, 2009

The Informers, Amsterdam, and the Curious Incident ...

So as is always the case when I'm stuck spending bunches of hours in airplanes and on airliners I caught up on some fiction reading over the last week. So a few quick thoughts on my most recent reads. First, the Mark Haddon book merits the praise it's received. I really admire the way it was written, and hell, I just admire fully plowing into the concept of a (sort of adventure) story from the perspective of a boy with Asperger's. It was really pulled off well. As to McEwan's Amsterdam - eh, a thumbs-up I guess. Honestly, while I admire his ability to make you feel what his characters are feeling, something he does extremely well, I am simply not in love with his prose. And the twist at the end didn't work for me at all. Finally, I re-read Bret Easton Ellis's The Informers since it's been made into a movie (that looks to be terrible). That one I loved, but then I tend to enjoy Ellis, yes, even when he's throwing vampires into his dark melange of fucked-up, disconnected beautiful people.

Posted by armand at July 21, 2009 03:16 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Books

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