August 12, 2009

The Depths of Ignorance Know No Bounds

Via Sullivan, we get this:

According to Public Policy Polling (PPP), a North Carolina polling firm, only 24% of self-identified Republican voters in the state believe Barack Obama was born in the United States. 47% do not believe that Obama is American born, and 29% of Republicans aren’t sure.

One part of PPP’s data might reassure sentient readers somewhat: 7% of those who voted for John McCain do not believe Hawaii to be a part of the United States. Now perhaps this is just another irrational expression of Obama hatred. But, it may also be older voters who never quite absorbed the news that our 50th state is indeed our 50th state.

Great. Not only do about half of North Carolina Republicans think Obama is an illegal President, but 7% don't believe that the 50th state is a state. Who are these people? Where do they live? What do they do all day?

I'm some moderate way along towards believing that we should re-fight the Civil War and let the South win.

Posted by baltar at August 12, 2009 11:16 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Crunchy Nutbars | Culture | General Stupidity | Politics


Eh, I'm just shocked its not a higher percentage than 7%. I read not that long ago that 20% of Americans think the Sun revolves are the Earth. We live in a country of idiots.

Posted by: ryan at August 13, 2009 01:03 PM | PERMALINK
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