November 28, 2009

Why I'm not reading Pajiba much anymore

So, Pajiba has started using a new ad format. Before you can even see the site, you get a full page ad. Currently it has something to do with underwear and game systems. Yeah, you, in the basement, Pajiba's primary audience. There is an opt-out link in the upper right hand corner, which functions OK (of course, takes longer to load than the ad itself) if you are on a computer. However if you use Safari on the iPhone as one's primary browser, you have to scroll up to see the teensy link in the upper right. Not bad right? Well the ad automatically scrolls you back down in the time it takes to scroll up and click on the link, which means instead you click on the ad not the "skip." And that is what makes it not worth the trouble. Sorry Pajiba, your new ads suck, and enough to deter my interest in reading the site.

Posted by binky at November 28, 2009 10:38 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Blogorama


Why yes, I am feeling cranky. Maybe it has to do with my entire daily diet of pie yesterday.

Posted by: binky at November 28, 2009 11:04 AM | PERMALINK
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