February 07, 2010

So Far I Haven't Shot the TV

But watching Meet the Press, it's tempting. First David Gregory was playing The Queen of Hearts - demanding to know the sentencing for an accused terrorist before he's actually been tried. Then who does he trot out to talk about the economy? Alan Greenspan and Hank Paulson! Yes, nothing like a fair and balanced panel of people who held top jobs during the Bush years which saw the economy crash to talk about how we should be saved ... from the mess they created. But of course Gregory would never question these Republican solons about what they did that got us here. No, he wants to ask them questions like - we need to cut taxes, right, right? The stock market has been down for two weeks - has Obama brought on a financial apocalypse? What if home prices collapse again (he gives no data that that will occur, but still) - will the world end? Mr. Paulson, I'm incredulous you had nice things to say about President Obama - do you still have a positive thought about him? Isn't the deficit just awful? Isn't it just awful that those Bush tax cuts for the wealthy are going to expire (it's hilarious he asks this right after his despondency over the deficit)?

And all three of these rich white guys are Peyton Manning fans. I'm shocked.

Posted by armand at February 7, 2010 10:38 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Corporate Bullshit | Media


Boy, being snowed in is hard, isn't it?

Posted by: Elizabeth at February 7, 2010 11:04 AM | PERMALINK

It is! :) And it's compounded by it being Super Bowl Sunday. Normally if I was watching tv on a Sunday morning it'd be sports news - but after a whole week of that story repeated again and again and again I just can't take more Super Bowl yapping and prognostications. So instead I exposed myself to this - and that was a mistake.

Posted by: Armand at February 7, 2010 11:38 AM | PERMALINK
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