March 07, 2010

Oscar Night Looks, 2010

Apparently they are handing out some awards in California. They are also putting on some fancy dresses at that shindig. So far I'd say the highlight of the night is the always fabulous Helen Mirren. As to the worst, Miley Cyrus looked, well, trashy and (expensively) cheap is the phrase that leaps to mind. Between her look and Kristen Stewart's decision to present an award while apparently asleep the producers' decision to put them on stage looks even worse than it did before tonight.

Posted by armand at March 7, 2010 10:38 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture


And by the way, can I just say that the production sucked? It was so bad. The NPH bit was uncomfortable and pointless, while at time Martin and Baldwin got a laugh they overstayed their welcome (that felt like it went on for an hour, though several award winners got about 3 seconds to speak), the introductions of both the lead actors and the films were disjointed, aside from the Up dance the dances were boring and really not connected too well to the scores ... and I could go on. And that's before we get to the likes of Travolta and Miley Cyrus featured faces at the show. Ditch this production crew and bring back Hugh Jackman.

Posted by: armand at March 8, 2010 07:36 AM | PERMALINK
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