November 14, 2010

Let's have a toast for the douchebags...

So, the 'Coup has been quiet for some time now. Armand held down the fort and exhausted himself. Baltar's epic reviews are, well, epic and infrequent. And my situation...

I can't speak for the others, but for me, the last two years cut the blog cord for a couple of reasons. For one, a different work situation was less conducive to blogging during downtime (there was none). The past two years have brought many changes, some sad, some joyful, and especially a change in careers, grad school (yet again, and I think now I have completed the 25th grade), a new job in the (somewhat) private sector, and now back to academic life (sort of) yet again.

The thing I have realized is that for me, writing for myself is what the blog is about. That's probably not a way to make a living, sell blogads, or garner a steady readership. It is a good way to think out loud, to have a public conversation with friends, and to talk about things that piss me off. So, lately there have been things that have been pissing me off, that make me want to write. And so, to borrow from Kanye, "let's have a toast for the douchebags" because they piss me off.

Yes, the blog is antiquated on Movable Type. Yes, the co-authors have vanished. Platforms can be upgraded. Blogrolls can be updated. Co-bloggers can be poked, or new ones enlisted (SubComandante Larry? I'm looking at you). Like a Phoenix, Bloodless Coup will rise again.

Posted by binky at November 14, 2010 08:18 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Free Speech | Liberty | Petty Rants | SiteNotes

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