July 14, 2004

The Marriage Amendment Vote

So the Senate vote to invoke cloture and proceed to consideration of the Federal Marriage Amendment just failed 48-50 (Kerry and Edwards didn't vote, I presume they are campaigning). Now this whole affair is pathetic on any number of levels, but I suppose my first response to it is that Bill Frist is the most incompetent leader of the Senate I've seen since I started observing the Senate. Not that I mind. I tend to oppose his politics so if he's incompetent, great. But to change your strategy from voting on the amendment itself (because you know you are going to lose) to voting on cloture (so that you can at least get one vote that's a "win" on the issue) and then not get the 50 votes you need ... Frist is such an idiot.

As to the vote itself, it was a mostly party-line vote. 6 Republicans voted against the motion though -- Campbell (CO), Chafee (RI), Collins (ME), McCain (AZ), Snowe (ME) and Sununu (NH). I think they are to be commended. It's their votes that made it possible for support for this travesty to not even reach 50% of the Senate. On the other side of things 3 Democrats voted with most of the Republicans -- Byrd (WV), Miller (GA) and Nelson (NE). About them, perhaps the less said the better.

Posted by armand at July 14, 2004 01:56 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


How about "ugh"?

Posted by: binky at July 14, 2004 04:44 PM | PERMALINK
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