July 29, 2004

The Draft is Slavery

Arthur Silber is no doubt trying to be provocative in making this point. But, that said, there is a lot to the point. By reinstituting a draft the government would be taking freedom away from millions of young Americans. In many ways it would be stealing years from their lives. There are a host of reasons to oppose the draft, but this is a fundamental one that shouldn't be ignored.

Posted by armand at July 29, 2004 02:30 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


That's exactly right. If we dont oppose the draft we would be taking freedom away. Now we wouldn't want that now would we? I'm doing research on the subject-"anti-draft". If anybody has some good reasons for opposing it please e-mail me.

Posted by: Konica at April 25, 2006 08:25 PM | PERMALINK
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