November 15, 2004

Stuart Taylor on the Gonzalez Nomination

The problem with Gonzales is that he has been deeply involved in developing some of the most sweeping claims of near-dictatorial presidential power in our nation's history. These claims put President Bush literally above the law, allowing him to imprison and even (at least in theory) torture anyone in the world, at any time, for any reason that Bush associates with national security.

I'd say that this column announces that Stuart Taylor is in the category of people who are extremely troubled by the prospect of Alberto Gonzalez running the Justice Department.

Posted by armand at November 15, 2004 10:29 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


For what it's worth, this ABA circular just popped into my mailbox, regarding Gonzalez. It's not exactly a press release, not exactly fluff, but it's pretty close. Furthermore, when those attesting to your professionalism are all attorneys at Vinson & Elkins, one needs tread very lightly when claiming the high ground.

Posted by: joshua at November 16, 2004 12:41 PM | PERMALINK
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