May 29, 2005

Secretary Rice: Lowering the "Success" Bar Even Further, and Attacking the Founders in the Process!

So while she implies things could be going better, she's pleased that at least the Iraqis haven't written slavery into their constitution like we did. Of course they don't even have a constitution yet. But presuming they get around to writing one eventually, somehow I don't think we really need to worry about it legalizing slavery any more than we need to worry about it calling for the burning of witches at the stake. Talk about a lame attempt to divert attention from today's serious issues. That's not even remotely relevant to securing US interests, or to the creation of a free, democratic Iraq. Let's stop making excuses and lowering the bar for what we should expect of both the Iraqi elites and ourselves.

Posted by armand at May 29, 2005 05:15 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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