July 18, 2005

Foucault Flakes

This morning as I was drinking my coffee celebrating the absence of dried mud, I browsed the big news sites. Krugman examines inconsistencies in the conclusions drawn from labor market data. He also mentioned the website of Brad DeLong which I had never visited. Somewhere down the page he has posted some thoughts about a time as a grad student when he was in thrall to postmodernism for a time. Having experienced such a thing myself - having Political Theory as one of your PhD comprehensive fields in the 1990s kind of would do that to a person - it got me thinking about a cartoon that someone gave me as I was emerging from the mists. This cartoon was called "Breakfast Theory: A Morning Methodology," and it spoofed the whole theoretical kit-n-caboodle's dry and flavorless (or empty) taste. For awhile, this was My Favorite Cartoon Ever when I was seized with the spirit of rejection for all things I had just supposedly mastered. Given that this was ten years ago, I had my doubts about finding a copy. I never should have doubted the Power of the Web. Enjoy!

Posted by binky at July 18, 2005 09:58 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Economics

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