October 09, 2005

Public Intellectuals

One of my favorite academic bloggers, Dan Drezner, received a "negative tenure decision" at the department level. As he said, "Friday was a pretty bad day." It's devastating news for a bright young scholar, with the added insult that your mind can't help but imagine all the reasons why the people you work with every day don't want you around anymore. It's impossible to know what lies behind the bizarre alchemy of tenure decisions, and none of us really can or should speculate on the reasons.

That being said, Drezner plays on "our team" - Bloodless Coup is an IR squad - and my team in particular, and I'd hate to see him leave the discipline. Let's hope he gets snapped up by an institution where his contribution is seen as an invaluable asset.

Posted by binky at October 9, 2005 05:45 PM | TrackBack | Posted to The Academy


UPDATE: The media pick up the story.

Posted by: binky at October 11, 2005 06:55 PM | PERMALINK
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