November 06, 2005

Hannity Says the Economy is Positively Booming

Or at least he did the other day when I was stuck in the car listening to him and his listeners cream themselves over remembering the 25th anniversary of Reagan's election. The Dark Wraith thinks not:

From a well-balanced portfolio of the common stock of reasonably low-risk, very large public corporations to an equally well-balanced portfolio of the common stock of relatively riskier, small-cap public corporations, equity (that is, "stock") has offered negative returns in both nominal and real terms over the tenure of absolute Republican control of the Legislative and Executive Branches of the federal government. Because no reasonable analyst could argue that securities markets have a political bias, the figures presented above offer an objective assessment of the effect of the neo-conservative agenda on both the national economy and on investors relying upon the stewardship of the country's leaders in their responsible role of ensuring an environment conducive to capital appreciation. To the extent that individuals and households rely upon that capital accumulation for future income security, the Republican era that has marked the beginning of the 21st Century has been a failure.

And there are numbers too. You can check out the whole calculation yourself, but the final analysis, corrected for inflation is:

Dow Jones Industrial Average: —2.81% per year

Standard & Poor's 500: —4.65% per year

NASDAQ Composite: —7.47% per year

I'm sure its just becuse the effects of those tax cuts haven't had time to be reflected in the data. Right.

Posted by binky at November 6, 2005 09:11 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Economics


The S&P 500 was down over 5% today. From this we can conclude which of these?

1) Obama's presidency is an economic failure;

2) The Wraith is a moron, and this "analysis" is infantile.

Posted by: jacflash at January 20, 2009 05:10 PM | PERMALINK
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