July 20, 2006

Why Are We Buying A Big Cross in San Diego?

Oy vey - the US House is working hard of late, doing their best to keep the American Taliban happy.

In a different post Steve Benen notes that the president, talking to the NAACP, was again extolling the virtues of ending the estate tax. Because you know while there are literally millions of African-Americans living in poverty, there are also literally dozens of rich black people who have to endure this awful burden that comes with immense wealth. And those extremely rich people, like "successful owner" Bob Johnson, would like to have their taxes cut. And we know that the president and vice president have an especially strong affinity with multi-millionaires who want their taxes cut.

Posted by armand at July 20, 2006 08:07 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics | Religion

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