July 22, 2006

Condi Fiddles While Lebanon Burns

"What I won't do is go to some place and try to get a cease-fire that I know isn't going to last," she said.

OK, so how about going to a war zone where innocent lives are being snuffed out every day and trying to get a cease-fire you think will last?

"I could have gotten on a plane and rushed over and started shuttling, and it wouldn't have been clear what I was shuttling to do," she said.

It's not? Really? Well,who's fault is that? If you lack clear goals, I think that's your fault Secretry Rice - or that of your war lovin' "born again" boss.

All in all, this is just pathetic. We're showing less leadership in the region than we have in decades, we are (gradually) getting thousands of endangered Americans out of a war zone at a snails pace, and Secretary Rice doesn't want to be bothered to engage in any type of diplomacy that isn't assured of ending with a heels-clicking escape to a dreamland that probably can't come into existence at all - but that surely can't come into existence (even if it could) without greater US leadership and diplomacy on this matter. Oh, and be sure to check out the pictures.

Posted by armand at July 22, 2006 10:41 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs | War


From the administration's perspective, if not yours, why would it be in the US's interest to stop Israel's attempt to smash Hezbollah? I don't see that there's a lack of clear goals. I think letting Israel do its thing while giving the impression of hand-wringing is the goal.

Posted by: jacflash at July 22, 2006 11:04 AM | PERMALINK

And sending a rush order of bombs gives the impression of hand wringing how?

Posted by: binky at July 22, 2006 11:22 AM | PERMALINK

It certainly doesn't give the impression that the administration has any interest in stopping the conflict. And I still, from their perspective, don't see why they should. What does a cease-fire do but make Israel look like a bad guy and give Hez yet another thing to laugh about?

Posted by: jacflash at July 22, 2006 11:27 AM | PERMALINK

Well maybe they should just have the courage of their convictions and say that outright - WE LOVE ISRAEL AND APPLAUD ALL ITS ACTIONS!

True, this does make sense from their perspective. I just think it's kind of appalling, at least given this president's constant Wilsonian proclamations about democracy and life all that.

Oh, and did you hear the Saturday radio address where he put a bulls-eye on Syria and Iran? Sort of interesting that, and it clearly illustrates the Bush government's continued obsession with the nation-state, even when he's trying the explain the actions of a pretty big, powerful (and deemed by many as legitimate) non-state actor.

Posted by: Armand at July 22, 2006 01:15 PM | PERMALINK
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