September 19, 2006

In Memoriam

Fuck. How do you miss the fact that a site that you always think of as your very very favorite(est), has gone dark?

Probably for some of the same reasons it went dark. Grown up life. Being away from home. Paying ten bucks for a half hour of internet (see my lame-o posts from this summer for evidence).

I'm sad to say that Radio Indie Rock has gone off the air, and it happened a few months ago.

Just now, I was sitting down to do some reading with my computer in front of me (something I haven't been doing in a while). I wanted one of Schroeder's playlists for accompaniment. While I liked and appreciated the selections of the others, Schroeder's aim was always true for what I wanted to hear. Interesting, eclectic, never pretentious, intelligent, fun.

The man played Tender Trap's "That Girl" like a fiend. He definitely knows fun.

It was more than fun though. Before it was Radio Indie Rock it was Invisible Radio (and my hopeless real life homepage which I haven't upated in years still carries the broken link). I exchanged an email or two with Schroeder when the RIAA, under the sway of corporate gluttony, moved to shut out the hobbyists like Invisible Radio by trying to charge a per song per listener fee for webcasts. I got fired up to write a few blistering letters to Senators Byrd and Rockefeller. I'll bet that was a head scratcher in the Senate office building.

I'm sorry you missed out on the chance to hear Radio Indie Rock. And I'm sad that I missed out listening over the last year. Real life intervened for everyone, it seems.

So goodbye to Radio Indie Rock, and a deep deep thank you to the DJs who made it happen and kept it going until the end. And especially to Schroeder, who was responsible for reigniting a dormant ember in my brain. His enthusiam for Yoshimi was infectious.

And we all know what happened next.

Posted by binky at September 19, 2006 08:51 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Music


Wow, thanks for the tribute. Even after 7 years on the air, I read something like this and thing, "holy crap, we had regular listeners!" It is awful that, like you said, life got in the way, but for all of us simultaneously. Marc and I were scheming a while back to bring the station back once our kids are old enough to go play outside for a few hours.

And, yeah, I'm still in love with that Tender Trap song.

Posted by: schroeder at September 19, 2006 11:54 PM | PERMALINK
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