November 05, 2006


So I spent the last few days in Missouri. It was my first time there, unless one counts changing planes at Lambert (which of course one shouldn't count). My impressions of the place (I stayed in Columbia and St. Louis): the Mizzou grad students are brilliant, well-dressed and excellent hosts, as is one of the Columbia College profs (love you guys!); the Mizzou students look strikingly well-scrubbed; the Mizzou campus is lovely, well-planned, and generally one of the nicest college campuses I've ever been on, anywhere; downtown St. Louis sucks; the interstate linking downtown and the airport shows an architectural/soceity travesty - mile after mile of what were beautiful old brick buildings that are now negelected, falling apart, and in some cases literally collapsing.

Oh, by the way, Amndt. 2 is a big deal there - a really, really, really, really big deal. What 2006 seems to be all about (not that the airwaves aren't also flooded with Talent and McCaskill ads).

Posted by armand at November 5, 2006 09:19 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Random Thoughts

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