February 04, 2008

Is There a Republican You Endorse?

Tomorrow is the Republican state convention in West Virginia, so if anyone feels inclined to make a case for a particular Republican candidate, well, it seems an appropriate time to do it on this blog.

I suppose being anti-evolution makes Huckabee a non-starter for me, but as far as the other 3 go I don't know that I have a favorite. I've found McCain irksome for years, and he seems rather stunningly clueless about economic concerns. I can't begin to comprehend what Romney really believes in his heart of hearts, plus he's gotten disturbingly friendly with the likes of Coulter and several of the scariest Christianists. And Ron Paul ... well, he's Ron Paul. It'd be like electing a cranky, dissenting voice on the Faculty Senate president. Hmmm, well I guess that means I'm endorsing Paul - for the shear entertainment value of a Paul presidency.

Posted by armand at February 4, 2008 08:00 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


Fred Thompson.

Actually, I don't know. I don't like anyone but Obama this year, and depending on who he chooses to serve in his administration he could turn out to be a real disaster -- or a giant.

I do wish Fred had actually, y'know, run or something, though.

Posted by: jacflash at February 4, 2008 08:24 PM | PERMALINK

Yah, I'll second that. But at this point, I'm voting for Romney in the primary, unless of course I forget about him, which would be pretty easy. I wonder which President he'd be more like: Coolidge, Cleveland, or McKinley. Then again, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

Posted by: Morris at February 4, 2008 10:12 PM | PERMALINK

I liked Mitt a lot better when he was my governor -- back then, he was a sensible, articulate moderate who could build bipartisan support and get things done. He has squandered all that pretty thoroughly, though.

Posted by: jacflash at February 5, 2008 07:56 AM | PERMALINK

i don't think there would be anything funny about installing in the Oval Office a bigoted, pro-life, Federal Reserve conspiracy theorist whose positions amount to nothing so much as a lament for the death of feudalism.

romney, on the other hand, that's funny.

Posted by: moon at February 5, 2008 10:04 AM | PERMALINK
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