August 06, 2008

One More Reason to Pick Sebelius

Not that another one is needed, but having a woman on the ticket would appear to help Obama (or be more helpful to him than it would be for McCain).

And as far as Bayh goes, I find this argument peculiar. Okay, so Bayh isn't all that conservative by the standards of Indiana. But wouldn't you think that Democrats would want to use, say, their own electorate or their core states as the appropriate baseline? Fine, he's not a conservative by Indiana standards, but that doesn't mean he's not to the right of lots of Democrats. So I am inclined to agree with Scott L.

That said, back when he was thinking about running for president he made some great comments about various Bush administration misdeeds and had an improved voting record. And happily we could count on him to vote against not only Alito, but also Roberts. So perhaps his voting record is indeed skewed by him wanting to represent and appeal to his current constituency - and those biases might evaporate once he was on the national stage. But then again, his economic record is likey to drive certain parts of labor nuts, and he supported the Iraq war, so I find any thoughts of him being a latent liberal a bit of a stretch.

Posted by armand at August 6, 2008 12:21 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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