August 06, 2008

Today in Olympics-Related News

US olympians are kowtowing before the Chinese, apologizing for wearing face masks (I was just talking to someone who was there last week - she was talking about how in Beijing you can't see the sun). And the chairman of the Republican House Policy Committee rips into President Bush in ways that likely make Michael Moore both thrilled and jealous.

Posted by armand at August 6, 2008 03:39 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs | Politics


I've never liked the idea of a Beijing boycott, any more than I believe disengagement -- with China, Iran, Cuba -- serves our interests in promoting freedom and commerce in oppressive dictatorships, but what's the message here? We'll suck on filthy air in an effort to convince the world that the air here isn't as filthy as it is? That we'll abuse our sensitive, highly trained lungs, very likely diminishing our performance on a stage many of us will only get to stand on once, to make a different, and flawed political point: that our health isn't as important as the public perception of China?

WTF? Seriously? The USOC should come out and say, We've invested millions in our athletes, the air quality issues here and the risks they pose to our athletes health and performance are scientifically grounded and indisputable, and our taking of precautionary measures reflects no more than our expert judgment as to how to protect our athletes and ensure their optimum performance.

Seriously, China makes lots of American junk food. Should the surely meticulous dietary restrictions that various athletes observe be publicized as an insult to Chinese cuisine or industry?

Guh, this is all soooooo stupid.

Posted by: moon at August 6, 2008 04:07 PM | PERMALINK

China may have six thousand years of documented history, but their current leadership acts like a goddamned bunch of spoiled brat children, and the world keeps spoiling them. Fuck 'em.

Posted by: jacflash at August 6, 2008 06:04 PM | PERMALINK
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