July 04, 2009

Gail Collins on Palin's Resignation

Cutting to the point of Gov. Palin's explanation.

Basically, the point was that Palin is quitting as governor because she’s not a quitter. Or a deceased salmon.

And she recalled her visit with the troops in Kosovo, whose dedication and determination inspired her to ... resign.

On Friday, Palin said that finishing out her term would be just too easy. "Many just accept that lame-duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck and 'milk it.' I’m not putting Alaska through that," she said.

So she's too dedicated and determined to try to accomplish anything in the job voters gave her the responsibility to complete, and she'd feel bad about sticking around and completing her work while drawing a paycheck, so ... she has to resign? Hmmmm? Something like that? Well I can't make sense of that either. And no, not just because of her wacky capitalization and a love of exclamation points that dwarfs that of Elaine Benes. But I guess one thing is clear. She's not a dead fish.

Posted by armand at July 4, 2009 03:08 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


People who are committing political masterstrokes by announcing their resignations do not make those announcements late in the afternoon (EDT) on a Friday before a holiday weekend. They also don't announce them with a half-incoherent speech that was obviously written a) in a great hurry b) by the candidate herself with no professional assistance. If Bill Kristol had any credibility to lose, it would be lost now. Either something bad is about to break, or she's nuts. Both could be true, of course.

Posted by: jacflash at July 4, 2009 04:25 PM | PERMALINK

Someone was pointing out that her PR chief was on the East Coast on vacation - which, you'd think, points to this being a sudden action, and might help explain how incomprehensible her comments were.

But yes, I guess according to Kristol that somehow makes it all the more savvy.

Posted by: Armand at July 4, 2009 04:51 PM | PERMALINK
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