September 04, 2009

The Deification of Matthew Shepard

While noting that it was entirely predictable, Gabriel Arana has some problems with it. Arana doesn't delve deeply into one of the things I think is most problematic about the embrace of Shepard. Again, while I know it is understandable, I'm deeply uncomfortable with the fact that the best known "heroes" of a lot of people associated with the fight for the rights of gay Americans are men who are mostly known for having been murdered. To me that seems to frame the movement in favor of supporting equal rights as starting from a place of great weakness, and to embrace martyrdom as natural. But I get it. I know people will keep pushing for Harvey Milk Day, even if I think something like Sheila Kuehl Day might be a better idea.

Posted by armand at September 4, 2009 04:51 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Random Thoughts

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