October 14, 2009

Get the Dead Presidents Off Our Money

I find our country's tendency to president-worship to be both moronic and out of step with what the country was designed to be. Furthermore I find it both appalling and nuts that our currency honors one or more presidents whose economic record left a lot to be desired (to put it very mildly). So it is with that in mind that I throw my full support behind this initiative. Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Jack Nicholson & the Overlook Hotel, Adam Smith, Corinthian columns, I'd prefer any or all of them to continuing the current system.

Posted by armand at October 14, 2009 12:20 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Economics


Dude, the next generation of hip-hop fans would have no idea what the hell was going on in all of the old-school tracks. And the Overlook Hotel? Really? Why should we restrict officials appearing on money to those having a "good" economic record, and who gets to define "good?" Mostly I just don't care. I'd like to see more color, and of course I think it's ridiculous that our paper money currencies really aren't distinguishable by the blind, but beyond that it's durable, it buys stuff, I'm good.

Posted by: moon at October 14, 2009 03:20 PM | PERMALINK

Also, I'm not sure what that is beside Nicholson -- maybe the hospital from Cuckoo's nest? -- but it sure ain't the Overlook Hotel.

Posted by: moon at October 14, 2009 03:25 PM | PERMALINK
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