October 20, 2004

Dictators and Terrorist-Backers for Bush!

The leaders of Iran and Russia are publicly backing President Bush. This shouldn't come as a surprise given that the president's actions have closely resembled some of the fondest dreams of the repressive, terrorist-supporting Iranian leadership. And of course those actions go far beyond merely trying to install an Iranian agent as the head of the new Iraqi government.

Posted by armand at October 20, 2004 11:42 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


Sometimes I just can't resist myself.

Here is Pat Robertson in comments to Paula Zahn alluding to the divine right of kings to draw a comparison between President Bush and the emperors of China.

ZAHN: But there are a lot of Christians out there who take umbrage at what you're saying. There is this magazine called "Sojourners" magazine.


ZAHN: Which, by its admission, is a liberal Christian magazine.

ROBERTSON: Semi-socialist.

ZAHN: But they're running an ad right now that rebuts your claim that God has taken a side in this election.

They say -- quote -- "We believe that claims of divine appointment for the president, uncritical affirmation of his policies, and assertions that all Christians must vote for his reelection constitute bad theology and dangerous religion."

ROBERTSON: I would never say somebody had to vote for anybody. That would be terrible. I haven't said that.

I just said, I think God's blessing him, and I think it's one of those things that, even if he stumbles and messes up -- and he's had his share of goofs and gaffes -- I just think God's blessing is on him. And you remember, I think the Chinese used to say, you know, it's the blessing of heaven on the emperor. And I think the blessing of heaven is on Bush. It's just the way it is.

It is not just that repressive leaders support Bush, but that Bush's supporters resort to the very arguements used to justify repression! I mean, didn't we have a revolution a couple of hundred years ago to put an end to this kind of crap.

One other question, If GOD wills Kerry to win this election will Pat Robertson accept the divine sanction on his Presidency as well??

Posted by: Stalin at October 20, 2004 02:59 PM | PERMALINK

That won't be God's will. That will be the corrupt influence of Satan, lesbians, communists, feminists etc (oh wait, those are all the same, aren't they?) on the American electorate.

By the way, did you also note in that interview that Robertson said he told Bush that Good told him (P.R) that Iraq would be a disaster and lots of casualties, but that Bush didn't listen and in fact said there would be no casualties in Iraq. From the San Joe Mercury News:

Robertson, in an interview with CNN that aired Tuesday night, said God had told him that the war would be messy and a disaster. When he met with Bush in Nashville before the war Bush did not listen to his advice, Robertson said, and believed Saddam Hussein was an evil tyrant who needed to be removed.

"He was just sitting there, like, 'I'm on top of the world,' and I warned him about this war," Robertson said.

"I had deep misgivings about this war, deep misgivings. And I was trying to say, 'Mr. President, you better prepare the American people for casualties.' 'Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties.' 'Well,' I said, 'it's the way it's going to be.' And so, it was messy. The lord told me it was going to be, A, a disaster and, B, messy."

Posted by: binky at October 20, 2004 03:39 PM | PERMALINK
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