October 20, 2004

Saved! and The Day After Tomorrow

Bloodless Coup gathered a few nights ago to check out a few new DVD releases. I really enjoyed Saved!. I mean it's pretty cute right from the start between Mac Culkin's acerbic delivery and our believing heroine sacrificing her virginity to try and save her gay boyfriend. He stays gay, she gets pregnant and lessons about Christian tolerance commence. If you expect to see church bashing or the taunting of believers - this really isn't that kind of thing. What it is is funny and sweet and generally really well done. And if, like me, you've been wondering what on Earth Mandy Moore can give to the world that has an IQ over 75, look no further. She's really very good in this as Hilary Faye, the Christian high school's queen bee.

The Day After Tomorrow is something else entirely. Most importantly it's bad. Actually, it's unspeakably awful. But hey, it's the kind of bad that allows for a multitude of jokes while you watch the film. Put the disc in and start your own MST3K commentary. I assume all involved must have gotten enormous paychecks to take part in this monstrosity. The plot is so stupid you have trouble believing someone actually had the nerve to type it. Oh, and it would be offensive too if it weren't so bad that you can't possibly take it seriously (talk about your macho men and helpless women stereotypes). Still, it's got Jake G., and it's really funny (though it's hard to tell if that's intentional), and you're bound to cheer (or smile devilishly) when the Weather Channel morons get flattened ... so if you're looking to kill a few hours with something silly and preposterous you can do much worse than this.

Posted by armand at October 20, 2004 03:12 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies

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