August 23, 2005

Just Take 'Em Out

You know, it's easier that way:

You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if [Hugo Chavez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war.


We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.

Watch Pat Robertson say it here. Via Pandagon

Posted by binky at August 23, 2005 09:44 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs


This is weird, even for Pat. I mean, calling for assasination is more Pontius Pilot than Jesus; after all, Pilot was just trying to head off a potential political problem by offing the leader of a new, troublesome, sect. Robertson is more or less pushing the same idea.

One wonders how he sees this as in any way Christian.

Posted by: baltar at August 23, 2005 11:09 AM | PERMALINK

Maybe that's why Robertson and his ilk want the 10 Commandments posted everywhere - they have trouble remembering all 10.

Robertson is a nasty loon who advocates murder and has supported all kinds of other repulsive actions through his dealings in Africa. If that's what a good Christian looks like ....

Posted by: Armand at August 23, 2005 12:22 PM | PERMALINK

I just kinda' can't believe he said it. I mean, on nationally broadcast television. How do you not know that is isn't OK?

Posted by: binky at August 23, 2005 12:33 PM | PERMALINK

And it isn't getting much press, beyong the lefty-blogosphere...

Posted by: baltar at August 23, 2005 12:44 PM | PERMALINK

And in another case of "gotcha" Rush is caught too. I had to link to Hairy Fishnuts. C'mon, remember? Pear Pimples for Hairy Fishnuts?

As always, norbizness has the shit.

Posted by: binky at August 24, 2005 09:49 PM | PERMALINK
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