February 20, 2006

Hackett's Op Reseach on Sherrod Brown Publicized

That there are people on the left/progressive side of the blogs who continue to defend Paul Hackett mystifies me. First, instead of being the fighter for the people of Ohio that he's claimed to be for months, he storms off in a huff and abandons politics altogether. That shows a cowardly, me-me-me! attitude - it is not the mark of man who could really be trusted to firmly fight the tough fights that the US will face in the future. Now someone associated with his campaign has leaked its opposition research on US Rep. Sherrod Brown, who is sure to be the Democratic nominee for the US Senate in Ohio now that Hacket has petulantly stormed off the scene. The only people this helps are Team Bush and the Republicans.

Paul Hackett - I hope the door did hit your self-aggrandizing, Repug-helping ass as you left Ohio politics.

And for you supposedly "progressive" Hackett defenders - take a look at what Hackett considered to be "oppo research" and marks against Brown. His supposed sins include things like supporting declassifying the country's intelligence budget. To me, that's a sign that Brown wants an open, responsive, responsible government. That's a bad thing?

Posted by armand at February 20, 2006 02:34 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


The more that comes out on this the it seems like Hackett doesn't play like a grownup. Let's see if he switches parties, shall we?

Posted by: binky at February 20, 2006 02:59 PM | PERMALINK
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