March 18, 2006

Once upon a time, before entering the land of burning couches...

...Binky bled Orange and Blue. Sometimes it still happens.

Go Gators!

Posted by binky at March 18, 2006 06:48 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Sports


i'm sorry, but your gators can go no further. my better bracket, currently in 4th place out of 78 and worth between 4 and 500 to me, requires georgetown to dispatch your gators next weekend. your mountaineers already burned me, besmirching my near perfect picks by failing to lose to southern illinois. i will not tolerate another betrayal of my inexorable destiny to make a lot of money doing something utterly frivolous. (my other bracket, i might add, sits in 20th, and its best potential score currently is 11th. on that one, i have wvu making the sweet 16 and florida in the elite 8. there may be room for forgiveness, but that depends on other games. :-)

Posted by: moon at March 18, 2006 11:02 PM | PERMALINK


Don't get her started on the Gators. Really, man, just walk away and leave it alone. It's safer (for everyone).

(Attempt at Distraction:) Hey, Binky, what about the new Flaming Lips?

Posted by: baltar at March 19, 2006 12:34 AM | PERMALINK

And your CBS can suck my ass, because they won't provide access due to local blackout retrictions. Which is fucking bullshit. We have no local CBS affiliate. If you pay for cable, yes, you can get CBS. If you don't, no CBS. So no live feed. And yes, I tried using an old Florida address for a second signup, but that was blocked too. Apparently they are doing it by IP.

Posted by: binky at March 19, 2006 04:01 PM | PERMALINK

yep, after 2 rounds, it looks like the hoyas beating florida is my tournament one way or another. one or two of the 7 people ahead of me have that pick, but my nemesis, the one guy ahead of my who shares my final four and my champion, went with the gators. i can pass him with a georgetown win, and after that he and i are more or less identical and we'll sink or swim together. nothing personal. with pitt out, it's all about the money now.

sorry to hear about the cbs thing, though, although you should be able to watch all but whatever game cbs thinks you're seeing locally.

Posted by: moon at March 20, 2006 11:01 AM | PERMALINK
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