October 11, 2007

Why Is Sam Brownback Still Running for President?

Seriously, why? He's been in it for months and has gotten no traction. There's no remotely obvious issue he has or wedge to improve his chances. He's not doing it for future political gain (he's already made clear he's leaving the Senate when his term expires). So, why not drop out? Does he love the rubber chicken circuit that much?

Posted by armand at October 11, 2007 08:24 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


You suppose maybe he's angling to be the third-party dude the Christers have threatened to run?

Posted by: jacflash at October 11, 2007 08:55 PM | PERMALINK

Out of the current field, I'd think that would be Tancredo.

Posted by: Armand at October 11, 2007 09:27 PM | PERMALINK

Tancredo's even more hopeless than ol' Sam.

Posted by: jacflash at October 11, 2007 09:28 PM | PERMALINK

Well sure, but he's also to many eyes the most extreme, and really does come off as someone who truly believes he's on a mission and that must be carried forward come what may. Given that, I'm not surprised that he's staying in - pushing certain messages to their furthest possible extreme.

Put another way, Brownback seems a touch less extreme, and if you (Brownback) aren't going to go all in, why keep pushing for space with several candidates who are where you are in the issues debate and have tons more money and support? So unless he starts to try to out Tancredo Tancredo, I just don't get it.

Posted by: Armand at October 11, 2007 09:38 PM | PERMALINK

Apparently you ask a question, and 7 days later an answer (of sorts) comes - Brownback is dropping out of the race, according to the AP.

Posted by: Armand at October 18, 2007 10:03 AM | PERMALINK
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