August 20, 2008

Picking Sebelius, Hillary, PUMAs, and Feminism

This would imply Obama is going to pick a man. But wouldn't this be a fun spectacle to watch? Please, please, please let it be a woman not named Clinton. And no, not just for my amusement. As a policy matter Sebelius appears preferable (well, in terms of my policy preferences). And as Ruth Marcus points out, doing more to appeal to women could put the election away for Obama. So the entertainment value of such a pick isn't driving why I'd like it. But being in a position to sit back and watch as the aftermath unfolds would be awfully fun.

Posted by armand at August 20, 2008 10:47 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Gender and Politics


I've been wondering if and when Kamp Klinton's increasingly obvious preference for an Obama loss would break out into the mainstream, and if the effect of such a breakout would be good or bad for Obama. I can see scenarios where it just clobbers his chances, and scenarios where it enhances him (and clobbers the Clintons' reputation once and for all). Choosing Sebelius would be one way to force the issue, I guess.

Posted by: jacflash at August 20, 2008 01:48 PM | PERMALINK

PUMAs are fake.

Posted by: binky at August 20, 2008 08:51 PM | PERMALINK

Yeah, but Bill isn't. I mean, he is, but... you know what I mean.

Posted by: jacflash at August 22, 2008 08:02 PM | PERMALINK
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