October 14, 2004

WV GOP Values Fear

This evening, I found the following gem from the West Virginia GOP on my voice mail:
Hi I’m calling to ask for your vote to stop the massive assault by liberal politicians on our conservative West Virginia values. During regular business hours you can go to the county courthouse and stand for strong values by casting your vote early for our Republican team. You don’t have to wait to show the Hollywood liberals that West Virginians have a steady moral compass. You can now vote any weekday at the county courthouse. Don’t let eastern elitists and their handpicked judges remove “under God” from the pledge of allegiance or force us to recognize same-sex marriage. Stand up and be counted early. Please don’t take the chance that a personal or work emergency will keep you from voting on election day. Don’t wait. Vote today. Paid for by the WV Republican Party: www.wvgop.org
First the "banned" Bible mailer, and now this. It's good to know that rational debate and temperate language continue to be a mainstay of the GOP campaign strategy. It's also good to know that they eschew the elitism of a group that cares not about guaranteeing the ability of the whole population to vote, but urges its special few to look out for themselves first. "Work emergency" my ass. Posted by binky at October 14, 2004 07:56 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


Update on WVGOP efforts. They called again today:

They: May I speak to Mrs X? [note: Mr X and I "live in sin"]
Me: I'm sorry, there is no Mrs X. Can I help you
They: Is this xxx-xxxx? (confused pause)
Me: Are you looking for ManlyName X?
They: Oh yes, I thought I had the wrong number. Well, we're calling to ask if you knew that you could vote early for President Bush. [note: not vote early, but vote early for Bush]
Me: Yes, we got a phone call about it already.
They: Are you going to vote early for President Bush?
Me: No.
They: No that you aren't going to vote early, or no you aren't voting for President Bush?
Me: Neither.
They: Oh, well, oh, ok, well then, thank you for your time.
Me: OK, thanks.

Posted by: binky at October 19, 2004 03:22 PM | PERMALINK

Ah, the sweet, sweet sound of confused partisan workers. You can almost hear their little neurons exploding. Must have been fun, though I would have tormented them more ("Now, who's running again?...")

Posted by: baltar at October 19, 2004 04:11 PM | PERMALINK

Actually, she was quite pleasant. I picture someone's mid 50s ish mom. And I have no desire to torture someone's mom.

Someone sould blog about the Rolling Stone piece on Republican campaign workers, by the way. It wasn't what I expected from them.

Posted by: binky at October 19, 2004 04:55 PM | PERMALINK

And again! We just got the "Hi I’m calling to ask for your vote to stop the massive assault by liberal politicians..." call AGAIN.

Posted by: at October 21, 2004 04:09 PM | PERMALINK

And another update. The GOP calls and mailings have continued, to the point where I've been nearly buried by slick glossy literature and have almost hung up on friends thinking it's going to be another recorded call. We've received just two Democratic contacts. One phone call from a community member urging us to not forget to vote, and another today, a visit from young earnest college students reminding us where our polling place will be (as in, cross checking a street address list and saying which room in the high school we should go to). They were very sweet and perky, but I have to wonder how their efforts stack up to the avalanche of scary - if impersonal - stuff that's been coming out from the other side.

Posted by: bnk at October 30, 2004 12:09 PM | PERMALINK

Well, I don't know who is responsible for all the calls we've been getting (various funds, etc. I even got one from W himself, paid for and approved by his campaign...I saved it on my machine) but I'd like to give them all a good swift kick in the patootie about now. I'm sick of it. Tired. Done. O-ver.

I can say that being contrary by nature, I have lost -at least for now- whatever interest in doing anything any of these ridiculous callers has asked me to do, including consider their point of view, issue, candidate, favorite film, candy bar or grocery store coupons. Not that I was inclined to for this election anyway, mind you, but in general. Hounding me is the best way to get me to run the opposite way. And, the last straw, hounding me when civilized people are still sleeping in the morning is the ultimate sin.

Posted by: binky rasmussen at November 2, 2004 03:33 PM | PERMALINK
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