October 18, 2005

Who Hates Andy Card?

This Anne Kornblutt story continues the thrashing of Andy Card that started a couple of weeks ago. I'm finding this very fishy. So ... all goes well within the White House for 4+ years (from the perspective of the White House), Karl Rove gets the credit, things suddenly look bad, Andy Card is ruining things for the Bush administration. It's looking more and more to me like Rove's allies are desperate to bring Card's reputation down to either keep Rove in the White House after an indictment (and get GOP allies to agree with that as a political necessity even if it's unethical), or to limit Card's power once their protector is gone and to protect their own position.

Slimy, sliming self-interested weasels are well-known to inhabit the White House, they are known more for their spin than for telling the "true" story, and they have a press corps who already believes that Rove is a brilliant tactician who's essential to the smooth running of this White House. So given those facts, and the fact that inner-White House stories are rarely accurate, no matter what administration is being written about - well, keep my theory in mind. And if you are moved to do so, say a prayer for Andy Card. If I'm right, he's in for a lot of abuse in the coming weeks.

Posted by armand at October 18, 2005 09:52 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


But the question is, will Card push back (intersectine warfare in the White House) or take it and be the scapegoat? Depending on what (if any) indictments wander by, I don't think Card (as a sacrifice) will be enough.

Posted by: baltar at October 18, 2005 12:14 PM | PERMALINK
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