October 18, 2005

Real Scholars Don't Blog

And if they do, they shouldn't be dumb enough to do it with their own names and/or let their colleagues/future colleagues know about it.

How do I know this? I've been off being scholarly for a few days, and blogging came up while talking to other scholars. Scholars who found out things they "didn't want to know" about job candidates who were then eliminated from consideration. Scholars who think there's nothing "worth reading" on blogs. Scholars who can't believe anyone would waste "valuable research time" on a blog. Oh, and "there aren't many women bloggers." And scholars who think Dan Drezner should have known better.

Yes, ladles and jellyspoons, the spirit of Ivan Tribble is alive and well.

Posted by binky at October 18, 2005 11:53 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Blogorama | The Academy

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